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Pumpkins and the Moon

I showed up this morning. I’m here writing. My thoughts are fleeting and uncensored, but I am here. I think I did not have a restful sleep so the early morning world has become less of a friend and more of a foe.

I did have a moment of mysticism before dawn, however. I was reading about the Full Flower Super Moon, the Blood Moon, that will rise tonight and I looked up at my easel and kinda “saw” it… an oil painting I started a while ago and haven’t got back into for some reason. I am pleased with my free hand orb, aka pumpkin, I am creating on this rather large canvas, but it is needing completion…it needs a stem; I need the “muse”.

It is dawn, the day is about to happen. I have sketched an outline of it in my early morning thoughts, but there really is no guarantee any of my plans for the day will be met. We really are all so vulnerable; sometimes fooling ourselves by thinking we have complete control; we do not. That is one reason I love the little things in life... I am certain I can plant zinnias and care for them as they grow and enjoy them all summer. I can spend time in my house and get it in enough order to satisfy me and I can pick berries and make a cobbler, one like my mother made long ago and I can paint a stem on my pumpkin while listening to the Lyle Lovet Station on Pandora.

I can do “the little things”. xo

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